IPSL services
CICLAD : the local IPSL cluster provides a large storage space on disk installed for CMIP5 and can store the results of IPSL simulations and other participants of CMIP5. CICLAD has all usual visualization and analysis tools. Create your account
here. -
SYNDA : mirrors a subset of ESGF data on the local IPSL cluster, managing discovery,authentication,certificate and download processes from the CMIP5 archive. You can request to download new data on CICLAD. To do this, define your
templates according to your request, and send them to
Read more… - FileFinderAR5 : allows you to check the number of files corresponding to your request on IPSL data node.
The distribution system Prodiguer ensure the dissemination of climate projections by the French teams in the international community. This includes to provide reference simulations, data and metadata according to international standards. The simulations, formats and protocols involved follow the recommendations for CMIP5 data dissemination.
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The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF)
ESGF system is a collaboration that develops, deploys and maintains software infrastructure for the management, dissemination, and analysis of model output and observational data. ESGF’s primary goal is to facilitate advancements in Earth System Science. It is an interagency and international effort led by the Department of Energy (DOE), and co-funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and international laboratories including
IS-ENES project in Europe.
Model simulations, satellite observations, and reanalysis products are all being served from the ESGF P2P distributed data archive:
The IPSL-CMIP5 data are now published from the CEA high performance computing plateform (