N.B.: Versions in bold letters are current versions of your files.
### Control uploaded file ###
if (file_exists($_FILES[‘tracking_id_list’][‘tmp_name’])) { # If file exists
if ($_FILES[‘tracking_id_list’][‘size’] == 0) { # If not empty
echo ‘<strong><span style= »color: #ff0000; »>Empty file.</span></strong><br><form action= »index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=87&id=240″ method= »POST » enctype= »multipart/form-data »><input type= »hidden » name= »MAX_FILE_SIZE » value= »2097152″ />File: <input type= »file » name= »tracking_id_list » /><input type= »submit » value= »Send » /> (Max size = 2Mo)</form>’;
} elseif ($_FILES[‘tracking_id_list’][‘size’] >= 2097152) { # If not out of memory
echo ‘<strong><span style= »color: #ff0000; »>File out of maximum size.</span></strong><br><form action= »index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=87&id=240″ method= »POST » enctype= »multipart/form-data »><input type= »hidden » name= »MAX_FILE_SIZE » value= »2097152″ />File: <input type= »file » name= »tracking_id_list » /><input type= »submit » value= »Send » /> (Max size = 2Mo)</form>’;
} elseif (strrchr($_FILES[‘tracking_id_list’][‘name’], ‘.’) != ‘.txt’) { # If right format
echo ‘<strong><span style= »color: #ff0000; »>Wrong file format.</span></strong><br><form action= »index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=87&id=240″ method= »POST » enctype= »multipart/form-data »><input type= »hidden » name= »MAX_FILE_SIZE » value= »2097152″ />File: <input type= »file » name= »tracking_id_list » /><input type= »submit » value= »Send » /> (Max size = 2Mo)</form>’;
} else {
$file = fopen($_FILES[‘tracking_id_list’][‘tmp_name’],’r’); # If OK, open file
} else {
echo ‘<strong><span style= »color: #ff0000; »>No file.</span></strong><br><form action= »index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=87&id=240″ method= »POST » enctype= »multipart/form-data »><input type= »hidden » name= »MAX_FILE_SIZE » value= »2097152″ />File: <input type= »file » name= »tracking_id_list » /><input type= »submit » value= »Send » /> (Max size = 2Mo)</form>’;
### Formatting files status ###
if ($file) { # Control if file exists
try { $bdd = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=joomla_df’, ‘joomla_df’, ‘#Fmq8w4IP6’); } # Database connexion
catch (Exception $e) { die(‘Error: ‘ . $e->getMessage()); }
echo ‘<table style= »width: 100%; font-size: 11px; border: 0px; »><tbody>’; # Create table to display results
while (!feof($file)) { # Investigating file line by line
$id_pattern = ‘/^[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}$/’; # Defining tracking ID pattern
if(preg_match($id_pattern, fgets($file), $match)){ # Control pattern and select only ID string
$id = $match[0];
$req = $bdd -> query(‘SELECT * FROM jos_IPSL_db WHERE tracking_ID = « ‘ . $id . ‘ »‘); # SQL query to find file
$data = $req -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$req -> closeCursor();
$req = $bdd -> query(‘SELECT * FROM jos_IPSL_db WHERE errata_id = « ‘ . $data[‘errata_id’] . ‘ »‘); # SQL quary to find all file versions
$nrows = $req -> rowCount();
$infos = $req -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$req -> closeCursor();
# Formating results
echo ‘<tr>
<td bgcolor= »#ffcc99″ style= »height: 20px; »><span style= »font-size: small; »><em>Filename:<em></span></td>
<td bgcolor= »#ffcc99″ style= »text-align: right; »><span style= »; font-size: small; »>’ . $data[‘filename’] . ‘</span></td>
echo ‘<tr>
<td valign= »top » style= »height: 100px; »><em><p>Tracking ID:</p><p>Versioning:</p><p>History:</p></em></td>
<td valign= »top » style= »text-align: right; »><p>’ . $data[‘tracking_id’] . ‘</p><p>Current version <em><strong>’ . $data[‘version’] . ‘</em> ‘;
if( ($data[‘errata’] != « U ») && ($data[‘version’] != $infos[($nrows -1)][‘version’]) ){ # Test for latest version (i.e., uniq or last)
echo ‘<span style= »color: #ff0000; »>IS NOT</span>’;
} else {
echo ‘<span style= »color: #ff00ff; »>IS</span>’;
echo ‘</strong> the latest.</p><p align= »left »>’;
# Group ALL versions (symbolic linked and modified)
$string = $infos[0][‘linked’];
for ($i = 1; $i <= ($nrows – 1); $i++) {
$string = $string . ‘/’ . $infos[$i][‘linked’];
$all_versions = array_merge(array_unique(explode(‘/’, $string))); # Delete duplicates and index table
$nb_versions = count($all_versions);
if ($nb_versions == 1) {
echo ‘<span style= »color: #ff0000; »><strong>No other version is available for this file.</strong></br>’;
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i <= ($nb_versions – 1); $i++) { # Loop along ALL versions
$req = $bdd -> query(‘SELECT * FROM jos_IPSL_db WHERE errata_id = « ‘ . $data[‘errata_id’] . ‘ » AND version = « ‘ . $all_versions[$i] . ‘ »‘); # SQL query to match modified files/versions
$test = $req -> fetch();
if(!$test) { # If NULL query version is symbolic link
echo $all_versions[$i] . ‘ is a symbolic link to previous version.<br>’;
} else { # If not, version corresponds to modified file
if($all_versions[$i] == $data[‘version’]) { # Display current version in bold letters
echo ‘<strong>’ . $all_versions[$i] . ‘</strong>’;
} else {
echo $all_versions[$i];
$errata = explode(‘/’, $infos[$i][‘errata’]); # Separate and define errata number
$nb_errata = count($errata);
if (($errata[0] == « U ») || ($errata[0] == « F »)) { # If first or uniq version, displays it
echo ‘ is the original/first version’;
} else { # If not, display errata link for each number
echo ‘ corrects issue(s) ‘;
for ($j = 0; $j <= ($nb_errata – 1); $j++) { # Loog along errata numbers
echo ‘ <a href= »index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=87&id=’ . (209+$errata[$j]) . ‘ » target= »_blank »>#’ . $errata[$j]. ‘</a>’; # HTML link
echo ‘.<br>’;
$req -> closeCursor();
echo ‘</p></td></tr>’;
echo ‘</tbody></table>’; # End table for results
fclose($file); # Close file