The ICMC General Assembly was held at Branville, on February 2009. The talks were given in French.
2009-2013 prospective of the modelling pole.
List of the presentations |
Speakers |
Assessment based on the presentation of the modelling pole to the engineers, on january 2005
Pascale Braconnot
Organization of the pole based on the prospective 2009-2013 presented at the AERES on january 2009
Jean-Louis Dufresne
Uncertainties on the climatic sensitivity, the cloud feedbacks and the changes of precipitation: some pathways for the pole of modelling
Sandrine Bony
Seasonal to decadal predictability: a new theme for the pole
Eric Guilyardi and Juliette Mignot
Seasonal Climate Predictability in a Coupled OAGCM Using a Different Approach for Ensemble Forecast |
Sébastien Masson |